Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20241105 -> 20241106)
  bluedevil6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  breeze6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  breeze6-gtk (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  discover6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  flatpak-kcm6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  harfbuzz (10.0.1 -> 10.1.0)
  kactivitymanagerd6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kde-cli-tools6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kde-gtk-config6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kdecoration6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kdeplasma6-addons (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kgamma6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kglobalacceld6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kinfocenter6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kmenuedit6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kpipewire6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kscreen6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kscreenlocker6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  ksshaskpass6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  ksystemstats6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kwayland-integration6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kwayland6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kwin6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  kwrited6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  layer-shell-qt6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  libkscreen6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  libksysguard6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  libplasma6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  milou6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  multipath-tools (0.10.0+103+suse.0fc97cd -> 0.10.0+108+suse.2c2e597)
  openssl-3 (3.1.7 -> 3.2.3)
  openssl (3.1.7 -> 3.2.3)
  plasma5support6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-activities (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-activities-stats (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-browser-integration (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-desktop (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-integration (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-nm (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-pa (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-print-manager (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-systemmonitor (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  plasma6-workspace (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  polkit-default-privs (1550+20241017.007e12d -> 1550+20241105.bedeeca)
  polkit-kde-agent-6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  powerdevil6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  qqc2-breeze-style6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  sdbootutil (1+git20241017.34ee974 -> 1+git20241105.3404bf8)
  sddm-kcm6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  selinux-policy (20241031 -> 20241105)
  systemsettings6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  webkit2gtk3 (2.46.2 -> 2.46.3)
  webkit2gtk4 (2.46.2 -> 2.46.3)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
  xorg-x11-server (21.1.12 -> 21.1.14)
  xwayland (24.1.3 -> 24.1.4)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20241105 -> 20241106)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== bluedevil6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Correct PIN entry behavior

==== breeze6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: breeze6-cursors breeze6-decoration breeze6-style breeze6-wallpapers

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * KStyle: Don't dereference nullptr

==== breeze6-gtk ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze6 gtk3-metatheme-breeze6 gtk4-metatheme-breeze6 metatheme-breeze6-common

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== cockpit-podman ====

- correct-container-search.patch: Fixes issues searching containers
- Fix systemd units folder for leap and sle (Similar issue like boo#1226541)

==== containerd ====

- build for SLE12 as well

==== discover6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: discover6-backend-flatpak discover6-backend-fwupd discover6-notifier

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * FwupdBackend: Do not use more API now removed in fwupd 2.0.0
  * ApplicationPage: Fix visibility of the reviews component (kde#495597)

==== flatpak-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- No code changes since 6.2.2

==== gnome-session ====
Subpackages: gnome-session-core gnome-session-default-session gnome-session-wayland

- Split out new sub-package gnome-session-xsession.

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-common grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi

- Fix grub.cfg is loaded from an unexpected fallback directory instead of the
  root directory during PXE boot when grub is loaded from the tftp root
  directory (bsc#1232391)
  * 0001-kern-main-Fix-cmdpath-in-root-directory.patch
  * grub2.spec: Refine PPC grub.elf early config to derive root from cmdpath
    directly, avoiding the unneeded search

==== harfbuzz ====
Version update (10.0.1 -> 10.1.0)
Subpackages: libharfbuzz-gobject0 libharfbuzz-icu0 libharfbuzz-subset0 libharfbuzz0 typelib-1_0-HarfBuzz-0_0

- Update to version 10.1.0:
  + Fix the sign of fallback vertical glyph advance (used when font
    has no vertical advance data).
  + Increase maximum “CFF” operands limit 20 times to support more
    complex fonts.
  + Add “--face-loader” option to command line utilities.
  + Support “COLR” v0 table in hb_font_get_glyph_extents().
  + Add support for font functions that use Core Text APIs, similar
    to FreeType font functions. This allows, for example, using
    drawing fonts that use the new (and undocumented) “hvgl” table.
  + Update IANA and OT language registries, as well ase USE data
  + Fix build with ICU 76.
  + Various compiler warnings and build fixes.
  + Various subsetter fixes.

==== kactivitymanagerd6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kde-cli-tools6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kde-gtk-config6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config6-gtk3

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Gracefully handle decoration plugin failing to load

==== kdecoration6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-6 libkdecorations2private11

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kdeplasma6-addons ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * applets/userswitcher: fix showing other logged-in users' avatars

==== kgamma6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kglobalacceld6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libKGlobalAccelD6-0

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kinfocenter6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * appiumtests: fix wayland

==== kmenuedit6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kpipewire6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: kpipewire6-imports libKPipeWire6 libKPipeWireDmaBuf6 libKPipeWireRecord6

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * libx264encoder: Ensure stream size is always a multiple of 2 (kde#485733)
  * encoder: Make it possble to override the filter graph used for software encode

==== kscreen6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kscreenlocker6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libKScreenLocker6

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== ksshaskpass6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== ksystemstats6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * plugins/pressure: Use ulonglong for storing "total" time information

==== kwayland-integration6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kwayland6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libKWaylandClient6

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kwin6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libkwin6

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * input: don't crash if the internal handle is nullptr (wheelEvent)
  * backends/x11: fix colormap leak
  * Update ExpoCell contentItem position upon its parent change (kde#495501)
  * scene: Fix item restacking repaints
  * xwayland: Fix a couple of file descriptor leaks (kde#442846)
  * plugins/keynotification: Fix event ID for notification (kde#495264)
  * backends/drm: don't set backlight brightness to 1 in HDR mode (kde#495242)
  * core/colorspace: ensure that we don't create elevated blacks with black point compensation (kde#494854)
  * autotests: test that ColorPipeline and OpenGL shader results at least somewhat match
  * core/colorpipeline: do ICtCp conversion the correct way around
  * core/colorpipeline: use PQ with min. luminance zero for tone mapping
  * core/colorpipeline: fix multiplier+matrix optimization
  * core/colorpipeline: don't transpose the ICtCp matrix
  * core/colorpipeline: fix tone mapping luminances being switched around
  * backends/drm: check if m_commits is empty after waiting for commitPending
  * use xcb_connection_has_error to check for failue
  * Fix "window to next desktop" shortcut during interactive move/resize session
  * backends/drm: add an environment variable to force glFinish on multi gpu copies
  * backends/drm: disable software brightness if there was ever a hardware brightness device assigned

==== kwrited6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== layer-shell-qt6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libLayerShellQtInterface6

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== libkscreen6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libKF6Screen8 libKF6ScreenDpms8 libkscreen6-plugin

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== libksysguard6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats6-data libKSysGuardSystemStats2 libksysguard6-imports

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * sensors: Improve robustness of SensorDaemonInterface
  * faces: Skip null entries when trying to resolve sensors
  * faces/grid: Specify updateRateLimit for FaceLoader (kde#494019)
  * faces: Explicitly emit signals on internal controller on property change
  * faces: Allow specifying updateRateLimit for FaceLoader

==== libplasma6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libPlasma6 libplasma6-components libplasma6-desktoptheme

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== milou6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.10.0+103+suse.0fc97cd -> 0.10.0+108+suse.2c2e597)
Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0

- Update to version 0.10.0+108+suse.2c2e597:
  * Update fix for bsc#1232063 to upstream-accepted solution
- Update to version 0.10.0+106+suse.ffbdb7a:
  * Fix reboot hang if uevent is processed for suspended device

==== openssl-3 ====
Version update (3.1.7 -> 3.2.3)
Subpackages: libopenssl3

- Support MSA 11 HMAC on s390x jsc#PED-10273
  * Add openssl-3-disable-hmac-hw-acceleration-with-engine-digest.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-hmac-digest-detection-s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-memleak-s390x_HMAC_CTX_copy.patch
- Add hardware acceleration for full AES-XTS  jsc#PED-10273
  * Add openssl-3-hw-acceleration-aes-xts-s390x.patch
- Support MSA 12 SHA3 on s390x jsc#PED-10280
  * Add openssl-3-add_EVP_DigestSqueeze_api.patch
  * Add openssl-3-support-multiple-sha3_squeeze_s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-add-xof-state-handling-s3_absorb.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-state-handling-sha3_absorb_s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-state-handling-sha3_final_s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-state-handling-shake_final_s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-state-handling-keccak_final_s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-support-EVP_DigestSqueeze-in-digest-prov-s390x.patch
  * Add openssl-3-add-defines-CPACF-funcs.patch
  * Add openssl-3-add-hw-acceleration-hmac.patch
  * Add openssl-3-support-CPACF-sha3-shake-perf-improvement.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-s390x_sha3_absorb.patch
  * Add openssl-3-fix-s390x_shake_squeeze.patch
- Update to 3.2.3:
  * Changes between 3.2.2 and 3.2.3:
  - Fixed possible denial of service in X.509 name checks. [CVE-2024-6119]
  - Fixed possible buffer overread in SSL_select_next_proto(). [CVE-2024-5535]
  * Changes between 3.2.1 and 3.2.2:
  - Fixed potential use after free after SSL_free_buffers() is called. [CVE-2024-4741]
  - Fixed an issue where checking excessively long DSA keys or parameters may
    be very slow. [CVE-2024-4603]
  - Improved EC/DSA nonce generation routines to avoid bias and timing
    side channel leaks.
  - Fixed an issue where some non-default TLS server configurations can cause
    unbounded memory growth when processing TLSv1.3 sessions. [CVE-2024-2511]
  - New atexit configuration switch, which controls whether the OPENSSL_cleanup
    is registered when libcrypto is unloaded. This can be used on platforms
    where using atexit() from shared libraries causes crashes on exit.
  - Fixed bug where SSL_export_keying_material() could not be used with QUIC
  * Add openssl-skip-quic-pairwise.patch to adapt the pairwise tests.
  * Merge openssl-FIPS-release_num_in_version_string.patch into
  * Rebase patches:
  - openssl-Add-changes-to-ectest-and-eccurve.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-140-3-keychecks.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-embed-hmac.patch
  - openssl-Remove-EC-curves.patch
  - openssl-skipped-tests-EC-curves.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-early-KATS.patch
  - openssl-Allow-disabling-of-SHA1-signatures.patch
  - openssl-3-FIPS-Deny-SHA-1-sigver-in-FIPS-provider.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-limit-rsa-encrypt.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-Use-OAEP-in-KATs-support-fixed-OAEP-seed.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-Use-digest_sign-digest_verify-in-self-test.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-140-3-DRBG.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-140-3-zeroization.patch
  - openssl-Add-FIPS-indicator-parameter-to-HKDF.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-Remove-X9.31-padding-from-FIPS-prov.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-Add-explicit-indicator-for-key-length.patch
  - openssl-pbkdf2-Set-minimum-password-length-of-8-bytes.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-signature-Add-indicator-for-PSS-salt-length.patch
  - openssl-3-FIPS-GCM-Implement-explicit-indicator-for-IV-gen.patch
  - openssl-FIPS-enforce-EMS-support.patch
  - openssl-3-jitterentropy-3.4.0.patch
  * Remove not needed patches:
  - openssl-Allow-SHA1-in-seclevel-2-if-rh-allow-sha1-signatures.patch
  - openssl-3-FIPS-PCT_rsa_keygen.patch
- Remove the engines' directories and symlinks that were added to
  allow parallel installations with openssl-1_1.
  * Remove openssl-3-use-include-directive.patch
- Remove the hardcoded DEFAULT_SUSE cipherlist selection.
  * Remove openssl-DEFAULT_SUSE_cipher.patch
- Update to 3.2.1:
  * Changes between 3.2.0 and 3.2.1:
  - A file in PKCS12 format can contain certificates and keys and may come from
    an untrusted source. The PKCS12 specification allows certain fields to be
    NULL, but OpenSSL did not correctly check for this case. [CVE-2024-0727]
  - When function EVP_PKEY_public_check() is called on RSA public keys,
    a computation is done to confirm that the RSA modulus, n, is composite.
    For valid RSA keys, n is a product of two or more large primes and this
    computation completes quickly. However, if n is an overly large prime,
    then this computation would take a long time. [CVE-2023-6237]
  - Restore the encoding of SM2 PrivateKeyInfo and SubjectPublicKeyInfo to
    have the contained AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm set to id-ecPublicKey
    rather than SM2.
  - The POLY1305 MAC (message authentication code) implementation in OpenSSL
    for PowerPC CPUs saves the contents of vector registers in different
    order than they are restored. [CVE-2023-6129]
  - Disable building QUIC server utility when OpenSSL is configured with 'no-apps'.
  * The openssl-crypto-policies-support.patch has been merged into
  * Rename openssl-Disable-default-provider-for-test-suite.patch and rebase to
  * Patches removed in the update:
  - openssl-Add_support_for_Windows_CA_certificate_store.patch
  - openssl-ec-56-bit-Limb-Solinas-Strategy-for-secp384r1.patch
  - openssl-ec-Use-static-linkage-on-nistp521-felem_-square-mul-.patch
  - openssl-ec-powerpc64le-Add-asm-implementation-of-felem_-squa.patch
  - openssl-ecc-Remove-extraneous-parentheses-in-secp384r1.patch
  - openssl-powerpc-ecc-Fix-stack-allocation-secp384r1-asm.patch
  - openssl-CVE-2024-41996.patch
    ... changelog too long, skipping 176 lines ...
    a basic thread pool implementation for select platforms.

==== openssl ====
Version update (3.1.7 -> 3.2.3)

- Update to 3.2.3
- Update to 3.2.1
- Update to 3.2.0

==== plasma5support6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libPlasma5Support6

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-activities ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libPlasmaActivities6 plasma6-activities-imports

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-activities-stats ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: libPlasmaActivitiesStats1

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-browser-integration ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-desktop ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-desktop-emojier

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Application Dashboard: Show app tooltips properly (kde#494802)
  * applets/taskmanager: Fix icon alignment when is reversed (kde#489648)
  * emojier: do substring search in emoji annotations as well (kde#435787)
  * activitymanager: Avoid infinite loop in ActivityList
  * positioner: Make sure we check deferMovePositions exist
  * appiumtests: fix desktoptest
  * appiumtests: fix kcm_plasmasearch_test
  * applets/taskmanager: use TextMetrics directly to elide long recent items

==== plasma6-integration ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Update m_palettes even when KDE_COLOR_SCHEME_PATH is set

==== plasma6-nm ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-nm-openconnect plasma6-nm-openvpn

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * [kcm] Update selected connection when opening KCM a second time (kde#461568)

==== plasma6-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma6-branding-openSUSE plasma6-sddm-theme-openSUSE plasma6-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 6.2.3

==== plasma6-pa ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * rename: set correct device name upon reset (kde#494546)

==== plasma6-print-manager ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-systemmonitor ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-workspace ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-session plasma6-workspace-libs

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Do early return for ServciesRunner::resolvedArgs in case of error
  * Always show full logout screen for "Show Logout Screen" desktop menu item (kde#495390)
  * lookandfeel: Explicitly set theme to Breeze in defaults
  * kcms/users: crop character faces properly (kde#494487)
  * kcms/users: Fix UI on mobile
  * logout-greeter: don't doubt the daemon
  * logout-greeter: categorize warnings
  * logout-greeter: don't wake up packagekit needlessly
  * appiumtests: fix kcm_cursortheme_test
  * appiumtests: fix kcm_autostart_test
  * appiumtests: fix kcm_users_test
  * appiumtests: fix digitalclocktest
  * components/dbus: fix invalid variant type since Qt 6.8
  * appiumtests: fix systemdialogtest

==== polkit-default-privs ====
Version update (1550+20241017.007e12d -> 1550+20241105.bedeeca)

- Update to version 1550+20241105.bedeeca:
  * profiles: whitelist xfce mousepad pkexec action (bsc#1232231)

==== polkit-kde-agent-6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== powerdevil6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Applets/batterymonitor: correct dbus watcher
  * applets: react to power-profile-daemon dbus registration (kde#492859)
  * daemon: Only write DDC brightness after reading and comparing first
  * daemon: Set ddcutil as missing if initialization fails
  * autotests: only enable dbus debug message for backlighthelper in brightnesstest

==== python-cryptography ====

- Avoid using requires_eq, which after the last modifications
  conflicts with python singlespec (order of expansion).

==== qqc2-breeze-style6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Fix calculation of width of DialogButtonBox
  * Add missing dependencies on QtQuick.Window

==== sdbootutil ====
Version update (1+git20241017.34ee974 -> 1+git20241105.3404bf8)
Subpackages: sdbootutil-snapper sdbootutil-tukit

- Update to version 1+git20241105.3404bf8:
  * Do a cleanup before making free space
  * Simplify unlock mechanism and recovery key enroll
  * Drop generate-pin parameter
  * Indentation and comments fix
  * Measure grubenv
  * Add set-default and set-timout commands
  * rollback bootloader after setting default snapshot
  * Improve error checking and fix small bugs
  * Add --unlock argument
  * Use unique names for the kernel keyring
  * Add --generate-pin to generate a recovery PIN
  * Enroll a new recovery key
  * Bind mount snapshot dir onto itself before chroot.

==== sddm-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== selinux-policy ====
Version update (20241031 -> 20241105)
Subpackages: selinux-policy-targeted

- Update to version 20241105:
  * Allow virt_dbus_t to connect to virtd_t over unix_stream_socket (bsc#1232655)

==== systemsettings6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Version update (2.46.2 -> 2.46.3)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.46.3 (boo#1232747):
  + Flatten layers to a plane when preseve-3d style is set.
  + Fix DuckDuckGo links by adding a user agent quirk.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
  + Security fixes: CVE-2044-44244, CVE-2024-44296.
- Drop bug281492.patch: fixed upstream.

==== webkit2gtk4 ====
Version update (2.46.2 -> 2.46.3)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-6_0-1 libwebkitgtk-6_0-4 webkitgtk-6_0-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.46.3 (boo#1232747):
  + Flatten layers to a plane when preseve-3d style is set.
  + Fix DuckDuckGo links by adding a user agent quirk.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
  + Security fixes: CVE-2044-44244, CVE-2024-44296.
- Drop bug281492.patch: fixed upstream.

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.2.3)

- Update to 6.2.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.2:
  * update version for new release
  * [FileChooser] Properly pass along requested current filter
  * Create region selection window before calling setScreen (kde#493293)

==== xorg-x11-server ====
Version update (21.1.12 -> 21.1.14)
Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb

- 21.1.14 covers also
  * CVE-2024-31080 (bsc#1222309)
  * CVE-2024-31081 (bsc#1222310)
  * CVE-2024-31082 (bsc#1222311)
  * CVE-2024-31083 (bsc#1222312)
- Security update 21.1.14
  This release addresses the following security issue
  * CVE-2024-9632: Heap-based buffer overflow privilege escalation
    in _XkbSetCompatMap (bsc#1231565)
- supersedes U_render-Avoid-possible-double-free-in-ProcRenderAddGl.patch
- supersedes U_xorg-xserver-e89edec497ba.patch

==== xwayland ====
Version update (24.1.3 -> 24.1.4)

- Security update 21.1.14
  This release addresses the following security issue
  * CVE-2024-9632: Heap-based buffer overflow privilege escalation
    in _XkbSetCompatMap (bsc#1231565)